Thursday, June 24, 2010

Pleasantly Disturbing - a quick email to my spouse

La cucaracha esta es en el bano. Violet has returned and bigger than ever. Ran right across my bare toes while I was using the toilet. Thankfully, I didn't have Matteo with me as he was back in the office with Connie. Feeling all itchy now and a bit jumpy.
2 more hours...
I'm reading an insurance policy right now. If I didn't know better, I'd think I might be developing adult onset ADD. Had to restart at least six times to get through the first endorsement.
Matteo is resting but not sleeping. Sucking his thumb furiously while rubbing his poor head at the same time. No wonder his hair is thinning.

Trying to figure out how to get Outlook on Windows 7. The LiveMail stinks and isn't uploading my lists properly and is a general PITA. I have everything done properly, even got my contact list in CSV format but it will only upload the names and not the addresses, which is completely pointless.

Everytime I read a headline about someone in Surprise, AZ, I forget they are talking about the city. Surprise woman indicted....Surprise fire....Surprise man runs for office.... etc. Sounds startling.
Any ideas for dinner? Don't let me forget to take LittleOne's measurements tonight. One of the designers needs it to finish the custom dress for the photo shoot in July.

See what I'm saying about the ADD? ;)

Monday, October 5, 2009


The topic of Obedience came up earlier in the week, but really, it’s something my husband and I have been discussing for several weeks and longer now. It has nothing to do with the wife being obedient to her husband or children being obedient to their parents (although we wouldn’t mind the second part).
We’ve been really struggling with the idea of being called to take up the Cross.

“If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” ~Luke 9:23

But how do we, as a working family, do this? It isn’t practical to give up all your earthly possessions and go out into the desert to follow the footsteps of Jesus. I can’t imagine what the police would think if he gave up all his clothes like Saint Francis and walked out into the city speaking to animals. I’d get a call to pick him up at the institution.
Jesus Himself was called out of the desert to go into the city and Moses was called down off the mountain to go to the people – to create a City of God on earth ruled by its hallmark of Justice.

My husband, Danté, is a banker for a very large bank. He goes to work every day to make the paycheck to help pay for our home, our food, our insurance, and all of those needs. However, he is constantly torn by the expectations of his position to sometimes sell things in an unethical manner in order to keep his job and his desire to care for his family. Is it ethical to walk away from your financial obligations if your means of meeting those obligations requires you to act in an unethical manner? And what if you feel called to something else? It seems that in this market especially without a college degree, you don’t have many choices. He wants to go back to school, but it doesn’t feel like an option. If we are not acting in our full capacity towards what we feel we are called to, are we truly being the obedient followers we claim to be?

It’s all brought more questions than answers. There is hope for the future that one day we will feel more in line with that path – it’s finding a ladder out of the rut or perhaps some sort of pole vaulting equipment that we chiefly need. How do we continue the work of building the City of God as commanded? How do we connect the world as it is with the world as it should be? How do we become obedient followers in the real world?
I don’t know but we will keep talking and keep listening and hopefully, in God’s time, we will hear the answer.
Blog carnival on Obedience - be sure to visit Peter Pollock's page to read all the rest!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Etsy Item of the Day!

Your very own Queen of the Cubefarm, SarahBee!
My soy candle travel tins were selected and I am so honored.

What's your favorite scent?
What should I make for this summer season?
Let me know! :)

Sunday, May 24, 2009

In Memoriam Treasury

As we enjoy this Memorial Day weekend, I thought it would be wise to reflect on the reason behind it. I curated this treasury in honor of memories and as a reminder to Never Forget those who have gone before us and the sacrifices they made for us. Please enjoy this collection and make sure to visit the amazing shops featured!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Featured in EtsyDay Treasury!

Featured in my First Treasury!
Please visit HERE

~Etsy Day!~

Today is the first annual Independent Sellers' Etsy Day!
In honor of the special occasion, I am offering free shipping on all cup comforters.
There are some new ones posted as well :)


Monday, April 20, 2009

City of Mesa Cup Comforter

This is meant to be the City of Mesa, where I spent so many summers working for the Parks & Recreation Department. After years of coaching, teaching swim lessons, and lifeguarding, I spent a season driving a city truck around from pool to pool making sure everyone had the proper equipment for their events. This is a little homage to the city. There are just a few tall buildings, some low antique stores, and plenty of empty lots. I made this one extra tall so that people with bigger hands can still be protected.